Free Resources Provided By MyIntelliSource, Inc.

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Beyond the scope of just providing information manage applications, MyIntelliSource strives to complement the software we develop by providing free educational resources related to the subject matter of our applications. We believe in being good stewards of information, and we realize that our customers come from a vast array of different backgrounds with different levels of expertise.

Our goal in providing these free resources is to provide insight in how the information provided in our applications is actually applied in the real world. If you have questions related to information we provide on our web site or in our applications, by all means, please email us your question(s) and we will do our utmost best to field and answer your question(s).

  • Free Downloadable Resources
    • Free resources related to the industries our applications cover (PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, etc) that are available for download at our company's document portal at SlideShare.